Our mission is to provide financial and emotional assistance to local families affected by pediatric cancer or other serious illnesses. As we assist families we will also support research in finding cures for these illnesses.
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Manasquan High School
167 Broad StREET
Manasquan, NJ 08736
Squan-A-Thon is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization – IRS #46-5278201. Your donation is tax-deductible under IRS regulations.
No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Being a participant at Squan-A-Thon is a tremendous honor and our students are very lucky to be able to have this experience. We are able to show the entire community what makes Manasquan High School such a special place.
We all are helping to save a life, to bring a smile and lend a helping hand to families dealing with the tragedy of cancer or other serious illnesses within our community. Our students truly make a sacrifice of their time and energy to help one another and that is something not easily done. We allow giving back to be a positive experience. We love every minute of our event and we NEVER, EVER forget why we are here.
Each year we exemplify the Manasquan Warrior Spirit, by fighting to stay up all night to put an end to cancer. Throughout this challenging night we honor those who fight this ongoing battle of cancer and celebrate the many that have surpassed this obstacle.
Squan-A-Thon is a 12 hour dance-a-thon that tests the limits of our student body. It will test one's endure, mental fortitude but will leave one knowing they made a change. We want our students to take advantage of every opportunity and know that the faculty, friends, family, committee chairpersons, committee members, and organizations will be rooting them on! We know our students have what it takes and remember we will fight like a warrior and we will celebrate like a survivor!
Every Child Deserves A Happily Ever After!